Prospecting seems to be challenging? Stay on top of your prospects! PiHappiness offers interactive surveys that can be very effective at collecting actionable leads. With piHappiness leads generation surveys, you can easily generate leads without cold calls or flyers.
Engage and convince your prospects

Unique and Beautifull Lead generation
Survey templates

Why Use Lead Generation Surveys?
For companies to transform leads into customers, they must capture and pique interest in their product or service. A sales pipeline is thus created, which can be followed until the customer is ready to buy.
Opportunities do not appear by accident, they are created! Similarly, you cannot wait for your customers to contact you through your ‘contact us page on the website’ It’s you who needs to approach them.
A lead generation survey serves as a valuable market research tool to collect respondents’ decision-making criteria and a relationship-building tool at the same time
As your brand gains more popularity, customers will gravitate to it and you appeal to more potential customers to your brand. Prospecting is an essential part of any business and you need to keep alive throughout the process.
It’s simple and expeditious
Mobile-friendly templates are adaptable and work across all devices. Thus, surveys can easily be completed on any mobile device, including tablets and kiosk machines.
Stunning Design Elements
With a set of questionnaires that focus on your brand, you can create a beautiful survey in a matter of minutes. You can customize the template, and add your brand’s logo and themes to create a beautiful survey.
Email interactivity
Lead Generation Surveys can be organized, to begin with invitations, keep in touch with the audience through follow-up emails, and organize your communications through Response Management systems.
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