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Customer experience is of the highest priority today. Measuring customer experience through software has found maximum predominance with businesses today. Whether you use the customer experience software or several modes of the survey, you would want to get into the core of customer’s thoughts to treat them with better products, services, or band experience. The entire process is getting designed by experts to create a better and highly uplifted brand visibility and brand value.   

The entire domain of customer experience management can be structurally designed to create seamless working for businesses. The entire thought behind the structural customer experience framework could be two-fold – either to evaluate every single part individually or to conglomerate the parts and visualize them as one aggregate.

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The first framework is that of a pyramid where the base layers cater to the most basic requirements and the top layers the finer desires of the customers. To gather if you are delivering a superlative degree of experience, Gartner has recommended applying this structural pyramid to each customer conversation point – like points of sales, interaction, transaction, after-sale experience, etc. This gives you an insight into how you are delivering at each level individually.  

The second framework is more of the mapping customer journey, the only difference being it comes with diverse angles. The entire framework is designed in a manner that brings together a complete 360-degree customer experience. The framework helps bring all pieces together and makes it easier for the company to easily understand customer needs.  

When you compare the customer experience pyramid versus map of customer journey 

There are companies adopting linear long entails of customer journey mapping that could be curiously complicated. There are then these companies that restrict their analysis pattern to – 

Awareness > Purchase > Advocate 

Either way, every business finds its individual detailing or styling according to its nature of work, also understanding that the customer journeys are not always purely linear. Almost all companies build a journey map that takes into account the customer’s first shopping initiative to the after-sales experience. The process could be described as:  

Research > Evaluate > Buy > Product Use > Service (After sales) 

Several aspects within customer experiences span through a number of touch-points. These could be:  

  • Brand experience 
  • Interaction through websites and other digital modes 
  • Customer service 
  • Pricing models and discount offers 
  • Marketing and sales models 
  • Advertising and communication 

During their point of research, buying, or using your product, your customer might need to use a website or mobile application. During any stage of their consideration to buying, they may be influenced by your pricing or the conditions of billing and its changes (like offers or discounts). If a customer gives unfavorable feedback for your customer service can influence your brand ratings. The entire process is a chain and interconnection of events.  

To align your organization best, it is suggested to visualize customer experience as one pyramidal structure.  A recent survey of CX leaders revealed that 89% mentioned creating their maps of the customer journey with different partners, around 39% said that aligning cross-functional partners with CX and the resulting outcomes is the best benefit derived from the mapping customer journey. Still, 25% of them were of the opinion that the highest struggle is agreeing on the top priorities.  

Considering the complete customer experience journey in its entirety can be an easy way for all to gather how to fit all the elements in a sequence.  

Create a personalized CX pyramid 

There are two steps involved in building a CX pyramid:  

  • Identifying diverse aspects of your CX 
  • Identifying the means to assess how it impacts 

2 step process to build CX pyramid 

  • Identify the multiple aspects of your CX 
  • Finding out how you should assess the impact of these aspects 

The first thing you will need to do is visualize the pyramid. To build an effective pyramid, you must combine all the elements of CX within your CX journey map. You must understand that the items at the bottom are just as much significant as those at the top. The ones at the bottom are a little more specific.  

The Base Layer 

At the base, specific customer touch points – the ones with higher significance and of utmost significance to your customers plus business should be placed. You could include elements like customer service, point of sale, research on a website or mobile application. The point here is to prioritize the right elements and make sure not more than 10 touch-points are added to the customer journey. To receive a comprehensive output of the audit, you need to keep your focus on things that matter the most.  

The Middle Layer 

The middle layer is more about general experiences and less of personal interactions. Elements like brand visibility, product status, and customer service are to be placed here. It’s within these elements you need to place yourself creating a difference in meeting the expectations better than your competitors.   

Top Layer – Here you will need to completely focus completely on the overall customer experience.  

Leveraging the CX pyramid to measure and analyze 

Once your CX pyramid is built, you can create layers of your feedback the same way – maintaining the hierarchy. Understanding the utmost customer need to the granular levels, by connecting every section of the pyramid to a feedback source.  

Your pyramid may contain elements like feedback about customer service, surveys pulled at key touch-points. The second layer may contain questions on market analysis and brand research, key customer focus points. The top layer usually contains a net promoter score (NPS) to clearly understand your brand status.  

How to make the CX pyramid work for you 

If you are sending general customer surveys regularly, include questions about brand attributes to keep your customers illuminating. You take 6 to 10 different attributes of your company and create a matrix pattern question for your customers. These factors could be related to the product – its innovation, ease of purchase, availability, company’s ethical values and practices, the kinds of services, and so on. The survey can be quite handy when the management is trying to figure out why the company’s NPS score came down.  

The remaining portion of your designing feedback pyramid would vary based upon how you have experienced the customer’s opinion and which of the resources you would like to pursue.  

Providing instant surveys immediately after a customer conducts an action could be an easy way to covering touch-points at regular intervals. Not every portion of the customer survey data will come in all at the same point. You may find your customers pouring their feedback faster than you collected. Market research at the brand level, something that your marketing team usually takes care of may come once every one quarter. That is quite okay if as long as the feedback is pouring in, you will certainly receive the right insights to be used at the right time.  

The main thing is to prioritize which parts of customer experience you would like to measure you feel would make the biggest impact to your customers. Consider a complete 360 degree understanding of your customer feedback and make sure you do not have much negative feedback from customers.  

How to track business success using CX pyramid 

Businesses have never operated in a silo and the customer experiences aren’t an isolated single incident of the business. By tracking several aspects of the business in a CX pyramid, you can prevent yourself from falling into the pitfalls of blaming changes for wrong reasons or failing to visualize the actually dominant successful CX.  

If you use CX pyramid, you could actually visualize the results and your stakeholders can see the elements that are changing also how the changes influence the complete CX. Having one shared dashboard ensures clearer alignment and does show hope of fewer meetings on what to prioritize and how to execute them. Customer experience apps are the best modes of creating comprehensive CX surveys using pyramids. Dig in a little into your resources and find what elements fit into your pyramid best.  

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