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There must be a common point of intersection between the physical and digital worlds to enable exceptional in-store experiences for the next generation. QR codes or ‘quick response codes can easily enhance the customer experience management and Customer feedback in retail chains and help in experiencing omnichannel shopping – something that can seamlessly connect the links between the physical and virtual spaces.  

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Transform your CX with QR Codes! 📊 Start improving today!

Even though the app existed for decades, the first wave for retail was not as successful as was hoped by most of the marketers, majorly due to the technological fallouts that necessitated users to download several scanner apps.  

However, ever since Apple iOS 11 has updated itself, it allowed iPhone users to easily scan the QR codes. Retail units are now seeing huge success in attaining marketing targets using QR codes. The android version that is compatible with QR codes has also been launched in the market.  

There has been a tremendous rise in QR codes from 2020. Some surveys state that by 2022, the redemption of QR codes will rise at a tremendous pace to about 5.3 billion when almost 1 billion smartphones would access the codes.  

The revolution in QR code 

There are two things that revived the diminishing of QR code, a customer experience app that’s revolutionizing the market today:  

2017 brought the iPhone iOS 11 update: now customers could use their phone cameras and scan QR codes without assistance from apps.  

Covid 19 pandemic: The social distance lockdown situation in 2020-21 made the touchless feature of QR codes priceless. Whether you used it in scanning restaurant menus or access information or checking in at venues, the QR code was a happy and seamless companion.  

How QR codes are able to better in-store CX 

Along with touch-free and safe interactions, retail units can offer the customers really high-quality experience by helping these customers get access to what they desire of need using QR codes. There are certain prerequisites for this though:  

  • Retails outlets offer fast and reliable WiFi in their stores 
  • The stores’ content team is capable of delivering exactly what the customer wants through each QR code 
  • The retail store provides a flawless experience, both online and offline 

Leverage QR codes for the following benefits: 

#1. Collect customer feedback 

When you link QR codes to customer surveys, you are enabled to track the sentiment of your customer, immediately look into fixing problems, remain alert when there are low stock levels, and gather an understanding of customer patterns in buying and their behavior.  

#2. Make better your multichannel journey 

Connect with your customers at each touchpoint of the buying journey using QR codes and get access to valuable data regarding your customer’s overall experience with minute details.  

#3. Blend in your virtual/brick and mortar store experience 

There are several retailers like Tesco that have introduced these virtual stores where all you need is to scan the QR codes of the store items and order. The ordered items get delivered to customer addresses by evening. This has helped many busy customers save a substantial amount of time they would otherwise spend shopping.  

#4. Customer service contact 

A big part of the customer experience management is getting through to a representative for resolving issues. Customers can now use a call QR code and talk to a customer service executive or alternately use a Text QR code towards sending a message. With QR codes, customers can be put through to help desks. There are also options of providing ready-drafted email templates or messages for every customer to fill and send.  

#5. Encourage downloading of apps 

Even though there is no requirement for an app or sign-up, customers can be encouraged to download their own apps with the help of QR code. Several big corporate and retail outlets are creating their QR codes to enable customers to have a seamless buying journey using the apps.  

#6. Help customers in smooth navigation 

Using location in QR codes on advertisements can help your customer navigate easily to the nearest store. Once your customer is inside the store, your other QR codes for the same location feature can help guide customers to the buyer from their required areas. This helps customers move about both inside and outside the store fast and without hassles.  

#7. Using QR codes to offer discounts/coupons 

Give your customers immediate access to all kinds of discounts, special offers using in-store QR codes.  

#8. Help your customers with cashless payments 

You can now simply forget your wallet and cards back home and roam across the store with your mobile. Make payments with QR codes and experience a tension-free shopping experience.  

#9. Get higher traffic for your treatment 

Would you like to know if a certain item is available or other versions of the same product? In case of this and other store-related queries, your customer could easily place QR codes (‘Scan to learn more’) across the store so that customers can have easy access to all they need and read of the product. They would also have the option of ordering home delivery right away in case the store runs out of stock.  

How to get customers to use QR codes 

Although QR codes have become visible everywhere, all across the stores, there is all possibility that customers stop interacting with these owing to their abundance. Also, just because QR codes are available doesn’t mean customers will readily use them.  

Customers are usually careless about feedback and most reluctant to give generic feedback. For instance, they’d rather give feedback on how some products were not up to the mark and avoid questions like, ‘how good you felt about shopping with us today’? 

Owing to such and other similar situations, the best ways to increase QR code responses would be: 

  • Putting the QR code right next to the billing station – After the customer has completed shopping, giving instant feedback would come more readily with the customer.  
  • Minimize the survey time to 3minutes – There is usually a high drop-in feedback rate after 5 minutes 
  • Questions should be simple and conversational – Engage with your customers using a simple and conversational pattern of questions.  
  • Communicate the actions that the stores are taking – on the basis of feedback from customers, act towards customer satisfaction and communicate the same to them. For instance, if one customer feedback was- ‘I did not receive my order within the scheduled time, and mangoes were missing’, make sure you apologize immediately and send mangoes also a complimentary item just to show you regretted the inconvenience.  

QR codes are becoming a hot craze with all marketers. We are about to envisage a revolution that brings a new delight in customer experience. Use QR codes – the new age customer experience software with the points given in this article and you are surely going to be a part of a new generation marketing gang that is creating ripples in terms of enhanced customer experience.  

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