Institutional feedback system for students and parents

Students can rate the effectiveness of teachers, lectures, and professors using piHappiness, a platform designed to maximize teaching and education quality. Diagnose student confusion, and implement actions to improve student satisfaction.

Student experience with piHappiness


Obtain digital feedback from students about the quality of learning. Surveys by piHappiness gauge student satisfaction with the quality of lectures, the atmosphere, the proficiency of the instructors and more.

Educational Services

Capture student feedback on course content, classroom schedule, faculty proficiency, communication with classmates, food quality and availability in the cafeteria, library facilities and technical resources, etc.

How does piHappiness Capture Student Feedback

In-Depth Analytics and Reports


Multiple Reports

piHappiness student survey generates data on various aspects of a school or university, including their food, atmosphere, and service.

Data Interpretation

The piHappiness index presents data in graphical and numerical form, making it easier to understand students' perspective.

In-depth Analytics

An integrated analytics module analyzes students' feedback and generates various fusion charts to help better understand the patterns.

Compare Locations

Location comparative reports allow you to analyze student feedback at multiple locations.

Additional Features Of piHappiness Student Satisfaction Survey

Measure Student Satisfaction

Investigate the reasons behind students’ responses and analyze their feedback. Feedback from students can also lead to improvements in facilities and infrastructure in schools, colleges, and universities.

Evaluate Teacher and Professor Performance

Students’ feedback can be used to evaluate professors’ proficiency, the quality of lectures, the pace of lectures, and how students’ queries are handled.

Explore Reasons

Investigate the reasons behind students’ responses and analyze their feedback. Feedback from students can also lead to improvements in facilities and infrastructure in schools, colleges, and universities.

Resolve Complaints Instantly

Complaints from students can be handled immediately, allowing effective complaint management. Keeping issues in the forefront builds trust and satisfaction among students.

Feedback Is the first step toward improved productivity

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    Phone: +971 55 1900688


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    Phone: +1 214 3066 096